Weather forecast – prognoza pogody
1. The cold weather
The air will be crisp - rześki, świeży;
cold, but in a pleasant way
There will be a blizzard - zamieć śnieżna;
a storm with strong wind and a lot of snow
It will be chilly – chłodny;
cold but not very cold
It will hail – grad;
balls of ice fall from the sky
There will be some sleet - deszcz ze śniegiem;
a mixture of snow and rain
It will snow - śnieg;
snow falls
2. The hot weather
There will be a heatwave – fala upałów;
hot weather for a long period
It will be sizzling hot – zaskwierczenie;
extremely hot
It will be fair – zadowalający;
a nice weather
sunny spell - przejaśnienie
Hmmm tylko pisze sie "blizzard" zamiast "blizard" i "forecast" zamiast "forcast" ;)